Fighting the Fears


Long time no see! I have so much going on in my life now that I don’t even know where to start.

A bit more than a year ago, when I just started nurturing the idea of doing art full-time, I felt inspired, incredibly happy, and scared at the same time. I’ve never obtained a degree at art school and it scared me to death. I don’t know why I thought that in order get things going I needed to go thru years of college and that my art doesn’t counts if I haven’t done so. These silly thoughts slowed my progress a lot; they dragged me down so quickly that I found myself pushed into a corner by my own fears. I remember that one day I looked at my brushes, paints and albums, scattered on a dining table, and reminded myself why I started doing this and why I love painting so much. I placed a clean sheet of watercolor paper in front of me and started to fill it with color and lines. Without thinking about anything in particular at that moment, I was painting my way out. That’s when my very first owl was born. I remember, looking at the result and smiling, realizing that I’m not afraid anymore. Everyone is afraid sometimes, but I think I found a way to return my balance. 

So today, when I’m getting ready for my second exhibition, I remember that morning when I fought my fears and won my joy back. When I reflect on all of custom works I’ve done; my art flying to the different parts of the world with happy customers, I realize that it’s more that I could ever imagine for myself! One of the very important key parts to this happening is the support of loved ones. I’m so grateful for my husband’s fountain of patience and I pray for it to keep going for a loooong time! He’s my inspiration and a partner in crime, the most honest critic and admirer. I can’t imagine how he deals with all the expressions of my artistic self.  I’m blessed with the most amazing friends who is always there when I need help and I feel their strong believe in me. It’s priceless.

I've read an interview with Lisa Congdon at The Great Discontent lately, where she shares her way of becoming a full-time artist and the ‘aha’ moments which helped her to realize that being an artist is what makes her who she is. She is a very talented fine artist and illustrator, her colorful drawings, collages and paintings inspire me a lot. 


Here are couple quotes from the article I put in my notebook, which resonate with what I feel:

I think when you’re doing something you love in the world every day—if you get up and you’re excited about what you do, it’s good for everyone.
…I finally figured out who I am and I’ve stopped worrying about what others think about my work or if it’s going to sell. The irony is that I’ve been more successful over the past year than I ever have.

By the way, you can find me at Artists & Fleas Market in Williamsburg every other weekend this summer. I post all the details and exact dates on my Facebook, Instagram and my web-site. It’s a nice opportunity to get your favorite owl framed along with enjoying delicious food at Smorgasburg Food Market and browsing cute little shops at the area. It’s a brand new experience for me and a great opportunity to meet people in person and to get tons of positive vibes from seeing how people love my art. Just a year ago I couldn’t imagine my art traveling all over the world!

Also I started working on a new Owl project. It will be a series of painting on wood; some of them are inspired by my favorite artists.

And one of the most exciting news for me - summer is finally here! It’s already pretty warm, but not a real hot-and-sweaty New York summer yet. So I'm trying to enjoy this short period of goodness and freshness as much as I can! Time of strawberries, watermelon smoothies and weightless clothes. Enjoy while it lasts!

Love, Eve.