Paintings from the Deep Unknown. Part I

I cannot count exactly how many times I tried to write this down - I wrote it in my journal, in the back of a planner, on random scraps of paper, in my mind during long subway rides, or right before falling asleep. This story feels like a maze with no beginning and no end, like an intricate puzzle of so many pieces that there's no table big enough to fit them all.

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You are not a real artist!

This reflection is not the easiest thing to write, but it is one of the most important ones I've written in a long time. It is a gift to a future me who tends to forget over and over again what I am about to share with you. Someone in this world may need this reminder as much as I do. So, I'm carving those words out on a virtual wall like cavemen carved out their life experiences with their bare hands before me.

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